Sharing is Caring – Releasing Our Market Research to the Public
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Sharing is Caring – Releasing Our Market Research to the Public

We get a lot of great feedback from our clients, especially new ones, about our super low return rate. Research we’ve done shows average return rates for technology lead generation programs are ~30%. Last year we only saw one (1) off-target return for every 700 leads we delivered, or 0.1%. So a common question is, “How?”

Well, of course we can’t give all our secrets away, but we are sharing a bunch. With the public release of our 2016 Business Technology Buyers Survey, we’re giving the industry a look at the data points that run our business. We’re constantly doing market research and surveying different influencer groups in the technology industry and using that data to inform our lead generation practices.

In the tech buyers survey, the first of a few research pieces we’ll share this year, we found strong trends in how folks are alerted to, learn about, research, and purchase technology. We found out how tech buyers want to be communicated with, what they value, and what bugs them. We’ve used that info to counsel our clients, analyze our datasets, and make our programs better. We think it’ll be equally helpful for other technology marketers, so we’re sharing.

Please do check the Business Technology Buyer Survey out for yourself through the link below. We just ask that you share your email so we can follow up and survey you for feedback (and to prove you’re not a robot):